Monday, April 26, 2010

Roosters? Really?

Yes, amazingly, the island of Kauai is covered with them - roosters and the accompanying chickens and baby chicks. They beg for stray french fries; they scurry through the parking lots; they crow all the time. These roosters need remedial training. For them, crowing is an around-the-clock activity, meaning sunrise is not required. Not too helpful in the middle of the night when you're trying to sleep. The kids slept better, at least. Their bed isn't on the side of the condo that the roosters favor.

We spent this morning at the beach, and Keith and I have the sunburns to prove it. We didn't make it past day 2 without a set of deep-fried feet for Keith and an overcooked back for me. After a childhood full of sunburns, you'd think I would learn to reapply! The waves were rougher here. Both Keith and Kyle got drilled on their boogie boards a few times. I think we'll stick to calmer waters, though it was fun to watch the surfers.

In the afternoon, we drove up to the north shore, stopping at what is supposed to be the best burger place on the island, Duane's Ono-Char. It was good and came complete with the required roosters and friends. We were nice enough to share some fries and hamburger bun while we sucked down the recommended marionberry shake. Never even knew there was such a thing as a "marionberry" - I'm told it's basically a blackberry, which is so much easier but doesn't sound as exotic.

Kauai is almost round with a highway that encircles all but the northwest part of the island, the Na Pali coast. In the middle of the island are incredible mountains, valleys, and the Waimea canyon. We drove as far north as the road would allow, stopping at the Kilauea lighthouse. You could take enough pictures here to publish your own guide. Near the lighthouse you can take advantage of provided binoculars to get a close up look of the bird sanctuary on Moku'ae'ae Island, directly off the north shore.

We finished the day with a game of wiffle ball. Carson played in her pajamas. That's my girl! You can do that on vacation.

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